Our core biorefinery technology is built around a novel, climate-friendly, and low-input cascade extraction method for plant-based and other sustainable biomassess.
Check out the resent video by Razon Science Show to learn about what we do at Halorefine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKYn3o1gRZI
Our solution enhances the value of products and solutions in various sectors, including animal feed additives, natural biocides, cosmeceuticals, and more.
We are a university spin-off with over 20 years of R&D experience in biomass fractioning and bio-active extraction. Our comprehensive analytical platform and infrastructure place us at the forefront of understanding extractive compounds, including their characterization, processing, stabilization, and applications.
We are dedicated to accelerating and valorizing the critical green transition.
© Halorefine